WarFare Theater: Navimie





This was my Furtive Father Winter gift to Navimie of The Daily Frostwolf.  The event was put together by Akabeko of Red Cow Rise.  I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I made one of these, apparently I need to a Furtive Father Winter every week in order to make them regularly, lol.  I’ve been brainstorming a lot of ideas lately and acquired new “stars” to feature in future posts, now I just need to stop slacking and put them together already!


Five Point Three Pets

Keeping pet collectors/battlers busy, Patch 5.3 introduced 20 new pets into the mix.  These pets can be acquired from old/new raids, pet battles, zone drops or can be bought with in-game/RL currency.  Here are the available pets and some that I have acquired already.


One of my favorite old raids to run, I ran this the first week of patch 5.3 with six different toons and didn’t manage a single pet drop, lol.  I didn’t even get the Big Bad Wolf as the Opera event once.  But I had some generous friends that helped me with a couple of them.

Tyledres, the Lil’ Bad Wolf – from the Big Bad Wolf from the Opera Event.  A surprise gift from Tyledres, I received this pet on the first day of 5.3.  Thanks Ty!

Tyledres the Lil' Bad Wolf

Stormer, the Menagerie Custodian – from the Curator.  I’m a big fan of mechs and was really excited when they made the Sunreaver Micro-Sentry a pet, which Luxy had given to me as a gift back in 5.2.  This pet shares the same color, just a different color scheme.  I named this pet after a Lego Hero Factory toy that I have that looks pretty close to it.

Stormer the Menagarie Custodian


Ermyc, the Netherspace Abyssal – from Prince Malchezaar.  Cymre has been trying to get me a pet that I didn’t have for a long time now, so she finally managed to do that, lol.  The best part of this pet other than the awesome model?  I don’t have to do the Chess Event anymore! Woohoo!  Thanks Cym!

Ermyc the Netherspace Abyssal

Fiendish Imp – from Terestian Illhoof.  The last pet I need from Kara and I’ll be done with farming for pets in Kara.

Tempest Keep

I’m glad that a pet doesn’t drop from Kael’thas Sunstrider; I haven’t figured out how to solo him on my pally yet and I’m not sure if it’s possible with the stupid mind-controlling that goes on in that fight.  The rest of the bosses aren’t too bad, though.

Meggatron, the Pocket Reaver – from the Void Reaver.  I originally tried to name my Personal World Destroyer Megatron, but Blizz won’t accept that name for a pet, so I named it Galvatron, which is probably better cause he’s more purplish in color.  After acquiring the Pocket Reaver, I still wanted to give him the Decepticon’s leader’s name, so I settled for a different spelling instead.

Meggatron the Pocket Reaver


Phoenix Hawk Hatchling – from Al’ar and Lesser Voidcaller – from High Astromancer Solarian.  Two more pets to go and farming for Tempest Keep pets will be complete.

Serpentshrine Cavern

I’ve only run this raid twice before patch 5.3, once to get the achievement for completing it and the other to fish up The Lurker Below for The Lurker Above achievement.  Now I have a reason to come back, lol.  Soloing Lady Vashj took me long to do, but it definitely can be done, just make sure to kill the Coilfang Elites before they can fear you and kill the Tainted Elementals quick to get their cores to push the Lady into Phase 3.

Andre Teh Giant, the Tideskipper – from Morogrim Tidewalker.  An homage to the late wrestler of WWF (it will always be this acronym to me, it’s what I grew up with and WWE has never sounded right) and the movie The Princess Bride fame.  His epic fights with Hulk Hogan were always the best.

Andre Teh Giant the Tideskipper

Andre the Giant

Tainted Waveling – from Hydross the Unstable , Coilfang Stalker – from Lady Vashj.  Just need these two and the Serpentshrine Cavern will be done.

Collecting all the pets from Karazhan, Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern earns you the achievement, Raiding with Leashes II: Attunement Edition and rewards you another pet, Tito.

Isle of Thunder/Giants

The Isles of Pandaria have two pet drops that can be farmed off certain mobs.  I was lucky enough to find them cheap on the auction house, which saved me from having to make trips out to the Isles.

Cera, the Direhorn Runt – can drop from the Direhorns on the Isle of Giants.  Cera from The Land Before Time movie was the only baby triceratops name I could think of.

Cera the Direhorn Runt


Col Mustard, the Filthling –  can drop from the Quivering Filths on the Isle of Thunder.  I honestly don’t know why named the Filthling that, maybe it was the only yellow thing I could think of or I just had the game Clue on the mind, lol.

Col Mustard the Filthling


Throne of Thunder

To keep your Living Sandling, Ji-Kun Hatchling and Son of Animus company, there are more pets to collect from the current raid of MoP, Throne of Thunder.  I haven’t gotten my hands on any of these yet, nor seen them on the auction house, but Zari did get a Pygmy Direhorn on a LFR he recently did.  That would go perfect with the Horridon mount I got, so I could finally reunite the family together, lol.

Pygmy Direhorn – drops from Horridon LFR/Normal/Heroic

Living Fluid – drops from Primordius LFR

Viscous Horror – drops from Primordius Normal/Heroic

Other 5.3 Pets

Stunted Direhorn –  awarded from the Brutal Pet Brawler achievement, which involved winning 250 PvP pet battles through the Find Battle system using a full team of level 25 pets.  I’ve maybe done one battle and didn’t bother with it again.  Looks like this will be a project to work on for another time, lol.

Trizilla, the Gahz’rooki – sold by Ravika, the Darkspear Rebellion Quartermaster, for one Radical Mojo.  I’ve always thought that Gahz’rilla from Zul’Farrak was a cool-looking boss and this pet is a nice memento to have of that instance.  I could have picked one of Godzilla’s enemies, King Ghidorah, to name my ‘rooki, but it has no wings, so I decided on a three-headed name for the rampaging monster.

Trizilla the Gahz'rooki


Blossoming Ancient – a pet soon to be available for purchase from the Blizzard Store.

And last, but definitely not the least, Lenneth, the Unborn Val’kyr – a rare drop that could spawn in different spots all around Northrend.  Probably the most coveted pet among all pet collectors out there, I know it was definitely mine.  It’s the closest thing to getting the winged humanoid, Mini Tyrael, without having to drop some serious cash money, unlike a certain ballin’ Tauren Druid I know =P.  There was a mystery in the beginning in how collectors were going to be able to get their hands on one of these Val’ks, but it turned out to be not so difficult to capture one, unlike the Minfernal.  Many of blogging friends can attest to this, as they were capturing it within the first week of the new patch.

It took me a few days of searching around Northrend, but I finally found her all by her lonesome, in the northwestern edge of Sholozar Basin.  She was of Poor quality, but I had a Battlestone ready to instantly fix that.  The battle almost went horribly wrong when I used my Dancing Water Skimmer to battle her first.  I used Water Jet with the intentions of slowly getting the Val’k’s health down low enough for capture when the ability suddenly crit for big damage and almost one-shotted her, lol.  It took two Pristine Traps to capture her and she was finally mine, barely averting disaster.

The name Lenneth comes from one of my favorite games to come out of the original Playstation console, Valkyrie Profile.  Next to Final Fantasy VII, this was one of the best RPGs from beginning to end, imo.

Lenneth the Unborn Val'kyr

Valkyrie Profile

from fanpop.com

from fanpop.com

I think that last image fits the pet perfectly, don’t you think? =)

So how’s your 5.3 pet collection coming along?  Got any interesting names for any of your pets?

My Darkmoon Faire Pro Pet Team

Arv vs. Jeremy Feasel

If you’re having trouble beating Jeremy Feasel at the Darkmoon Faire, I’ve found a pretty good pet battle team that will give you a win every time (as long as you don’t bad RNG and miss your big attacks).  Here are the pets I used and the abilities I chose for them (all pets are level 25 and Rare quality):

Stop, the Wild Crimson Hatchling

Stop, the Wild Crimson Hatchling

Kelvin, the Fel Flame

Kelvin, the Fel Flame

Sheldon, the Fluxfire Feline

Sheldon, the Fluxfire Feline

Each of these pets have abilities that are strong against Feasel’s team: Judgement, the Darkmoon Eye, Honky-Tonk, the Darkmoon Tonk and Fezwick, the Darkmoon Monkey.  I like to face Judgement first, so I’ll keep forfeiting matches if Honky-Tonk leads off.

Vs. Judgement

Dragonkin are strong against Magic pets and Stop’s damaging abilities, Breath and Deep Breath, can do major damage when they connect.  Judgement will counter these attacks by using Darkmoon Curse first, which will reduce the damage you deal for two rounds.  Since Stop has a speed advantage over Judgement, he’ll use Breath two rounds in a row, the first will hit for a good chunk and the second will do half as much, under the effects of the Curse.  On the third round, Stop will initiate Deep Breath, which takes an additional round to charge.  When Deep Breath goes off, it should be enough to knockdown Judgement for good, if not, one more Breath should finish him off.  I wouldn’t worry about using Healing Flame, but if your pet is really low (around 400 hp or less), go ahead and use it before you start Deep Breath.

Vs. Honky-Tonk

At this point, Stop will be pretty low on health, but if he’s lucky, Honky will use Lock-On, which will allow Stop to use one Breath on the tonk.  Honky will then finish off Stop with either the second use of Lock-On or a Missile to the face.  Kelvin will jump in next, since Elementals are strong against Mechanical pets.  He’ll start off using Immolate, which will leave a Burning debuff on Honky for four rounds.  Kelvin will then follow-up with Conflagrate, which does double damage when Honky has the Burning debuff.  It shouldn’t take long for Honky to go down, as long as Kelvin keeps the Burning debuff rolling on the tonk.  Even though Honky will come back alive (thanks to Mechanical pet’s passive self-rez ability) after Kelvin destroys him, the Burning debuff and a single Flame Breath attack should finish off the Darkmoon Tonk.

The only problem you might have with Honky is if the Shock and Awe manages to stun your pet, which will allow Honky to get a free hit in.  I’ve only seen this happen to Kelvin once or twice and it’s only a 25% chance to get stunned, so don’t be too worried about it.

Vs. Fezwick

Fezwick will join the fray and immediately use Clobber, which never seems to miss and will stun Kelvin.  Sheldon will then tag in for Kelvin and will begin to charge up the biggest attack combo of the battle.  Fez’s Banana Barrage can be pretty annoying, but won’t be a problem for Sheldon to handle.  Sheldon will first use Supercharge and follow-up with Wind-Up, which is a Mechanical ability that is strong against Beasts.  With this combo of Supercharge, Wind-Up and the Beast damage bonus, Sheldon will usually crit Fez for about 2500 to 2800 damage, more than enough to take out the Darkmoon Monkey.

With this setup, I can defeat Feasel’s team in one attempt.  But that might all change in patch 5.2, when a wrench will be thrown in all Fluxfire Felines, no pun intended.  Because their Supercharge/Wind-Up combo is so powerful, all Fluxfire Felines will be getting nerfed.  The damage bonus from Supercharge will go from 150% to 125% and Wind-Up will be replaced by a new ability called Flux, which damages the enemy team (dispersed and probably for less damage than Wind-Up would deal).  Might have to change my line-up for 5.2, but I’ll be definitely taking advantage of my current team for now.

Good luck in defeating Jeremy Feasel and getting that Darkmoon Eye!

WarFare Theater: The King’s Purchase















This was my Furtive Father Winter gift to Xsinthis of The Golden Crusade.  I also gave him a pair of Landro’s favorite mini raid pets to boot.  The event was put together by Akabeko of Red Cow Rise and there was a pretty good turnout.  I had a lot of fun putting this together for Xsinthis, it has definitely been a while since I last made a WarFare Theater post.  Hopefully this will kickstart more of these in the future, lol.

Shared Topic: What raid-drop pets would you like to see?

Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these, lol.  Last week’s Shared Topic from Blog Azeroth comes from Effraeti who asks:

If a future patch adds more raid-dropped pets like those introduced in 5.1, what pets would you like to see?  What raid and boss would they be available from?

I’m a big fan of these new pet drops on old raid bosses, so I hope Blizz continues with this idea.  Here are my pet ideas for future boss drops (all images from Wowhead).

Thaddius – Naxxramas

I’ve always thought Thaddius was a cool-looking boss, I think he would have been a better pet than the Giant Bone Spider from Maexxna.

Icehowl – Trial of the Crusader

Blizzard seriously needs to give us an Abominable Greench pet for Winter Veil already.  Combine that with a Kun-Lai Runt and a mini Icehowl and we could have an all-Yeti team, RAWR!

Orgrim’s Hammer and Skybreaker – Icecrown Citadel

The Darkmoon Zeppelin needs some company in the air.  How about give us some mini Lootships to battle it?

Flame Leviathan – Ulduar

Speaking of needing some company, I’d like to see a real tank battle between the Darkmoon Tonk and the king of tanks, Flame Leviathan.

Razorscale – Ulduar

 The all-proto drake team:  the red Proto-Drake Whelp, the Emerald Proto-Whelp and the mini Razorscale!

 Occu’thar – Baradin Hold

Scarier than the Core Hound Pup, but would be just as deadly in pet battles.

 Omnotron Defense System – Blackwing Descent

Golem pets, yes!

 Rhyolith – Firelands

Enemy pets beware: if you manage to break his shell, you might get burned with mini Rhyo’s fiery underneath!

 Baleroc – Firelands

I think Mini Tyrael needs a nemesis.  Mini Baleroc is the perfect candidate.

 Conclave of Wind – Throne of the Four Winds

These Djinns just look cool.  Who wouldn’t want miniatures of these guys?

Morchok – Dragon Soul

Mini Morchok says give us Mor pets, Blizz!