New Headers

A week or so ago, I was talking to Luxy about changing up my header image for my blog.  I jokingly asked her if she would create some for me and she surprised me by saying she would gladly do it, lol.  Luxy has a real talent for putting together some awesome and funny screenshots together, just check out the various images on her blog and the comic that she and Navi created, The Faily Frostwolf.

So I gave her some of my toons to use and a dew ideas and here are the images she came up with:

First are my Blood Elf siblings, my rogue Kaelina and my mage Kerian.

Kaelina and Kerian

Next are my Tauren twins, my shaman Vynndicator and my druid Caden.

Vynn and Caden

And the last one features my paladins duking it out, Arvash and Valoree.

Arv vs. Val

Thanks again Luxy, my new headers look awesome! =)

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